Apex legends game upcoming addons
Apex legends game upcoming addons

apex legends game upcoming addons

The second LTM "Auto Banner" will have player banners automatically retrieved upon being eliminated, and will have more mobile respawns in the loot pool. The first LTM "Killing Time" will feature the round timer shortening with each elimination. The descriptions of the LTMs are done by Salvo mercenary Mad Maggie, suggesting that she may be back to commentating each game. RELATED: Apex Legends Fan Creates Incredible Loba Skin Concept The previous Collection Events have been two weeks long, so the War Games event may follow the same blueprint.

apex legends game upcoming addons

According to the leak, the LTMs will change every 48 hours, suggesting that the event will last two weeks if there turns out to be seven LTMs. Reliable dataminer iLootGames shared seven different LTMs that may be possibly included in the Apex Legends War Games event. Now, a leak suggests that Mad Maggie may be returning to take over a number of LTMs within the upcoming War Games event. The Chaos Theory event featured the limited-time mode Ring Fury, which cast ring flares throughout the map and had Fuse's old friend Mad Maggie commentating each game. Season 8 of Apex Legends has featured both the second anniversary event and the Chaos Theory events, and now is gearing up to launch another event soon.

Apex legends game upcoming addons